Eric William Pease

AKA: Eric William Productions

            Hey, Y'all! My name is Eric William Pease and I am your Country Wedding Videographer! My interest in filming started back in high school when I first was put into a film class. I seriously had no idea that 8 years later, I would film my first wedding!!! I come from a very close knit, God loving, entrepreneurial family that has always pushed me to chase my own dreams. Why do I call myself a Country Wedding Videographer? Well, my "yes ma'am, no ma'am," work boots, jeans, polo shirt and ball cap wearing self may give it away. Lets face it, country folk are my people and you'll see why when you meet me. I truly strive to create a friendship with you before the wedding day. Why? Because on your wedding day, you want to be as comfortable as possible, and that even comes down the vendors you higher to make your wedding day happen. So my goal is to be able to party it up with you on your wedding day and celebrate with you, all while capturing the special moments your wedding day will have. If you would like to know more, please send me an email and I would love to chat it up!!

PS!!! My wife and I recently got married too, so if you would like some pointers for your wedding day, please do not hesitate to ask!!!

PPS!!! I just found out that I will be a dad too!!! So I am in need of any advice you or your family may have in parenting!


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